Acquired brain injury (ABI) Programs


PACE offers short and long term community-based support services to adults 18 years of age and over, living with the effects of an acquired brain injury (ABI). We are committed to working collaboratively with individuals to support their lives in the community.  PACE provides:

  1. Community Program
  2. Day programs
  3. Supportive Housing

Our philosophy

We work with individuals to develop the "living, loving, doing" lives they describe by providing places they can create and share in community life.  Our services aim to provide "just enough support" to allow individuals to live as independently as possible in spite of ongoing needs for assistance.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible applicants must:

  • Be 18 - 65 years of age
  • Have a mild/moderate acquired brain injury
  • Be able to work on short and/or long-term goals and to make a commitment to the program
  • Not present a risk of harm to themselves or others
  • Be able to interact safely when out in the community.

For more information on our programs:

Contact Ghazala Mirza, Program Manager 416.789.7806 ext. 314