Community Involvement & Collaboration

PACE has a long history of partnering to efficiently and effectively deliver and coordinate services for people with disabilities; to raise the profile of services for adults with disabilities; and to ensure stakeholders recognize and understand the value of personal support services for people with disabilities in Ontario.

Senior Leadership Team members participate in a number of provincial, regional and multiple sub-regional and Ontario Health Team tables. PACE leverages these opportunities to advocate for the needs of adults who have disabilities and increase awareness about the system contributions made by the independent living sector.


β€’ OAILSP Representative, Ontario Health, Service Accountability Agreement Advisory (SAA)  Committee – providing advice on the plan to evolve the SAAs including providing advice on the goals, strategies, and implementation plans for 2023/24 as well as further evolution in 2024/25 and beyond.

β€’ Past-Chair, Ontario Association of Independent Living Service Providers (OAILSP) – advocating for persons with disabilities and the organizations that provide them service; advancing the development of independent living opportunities and experiences; supporting professional development and leadership excellence.

β€’ Member of Policy Committee, Ontario Community Support Association – providing advice, input and feedback to related to issues impacting home and community sector policy positions; identifying emerging health system issues and trends in provincial and national policy initiatives; and recommending innovative strategies that will advance the not-for profit home and community care sector.

β€’ Member, Provincial Acquired Brain Injury Network   


β€’ Ontario Health Region Community Support Services collaborative table

β€’ Member, Advisory Committee and the Wait List Collaborative, Attendant Services Application Centre (ASAC)

β€’ Partner, Community Client Satisfaction & Experience Survey Initiative

β€’ Member, Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network

β€’ Member, Community Ethics Network

β€’ Ontario Health Team Involvement

β€’ East Toronto Health Partners

β€’ West Toronto Ontario Health Team

β€’ Downtown East Ontario Health Team β€’ North Toronto Health Partners

β€’ Mid-West Ontario Health Team (interest expressed)

β€’ North Western Ontario Health Team (in development)

β€’ North York Toronto Health Partners (in development)

Organizational Partnerships

β€’ Westpark Health Centre – Behaviour Support Partnership

β€’ North Yorkers for Disabled Persons – Provision of back-office finance support.

β€’ Aphasia Institute – Provision of attendant support to Aphasia Institute Day program clients